The whole point of this site was supposed to be as a development site where I could test out new things without causing havoc with my “real” websites.
What has actually happened is that I created the site and once in a blue moon, I use it to test out a plug in before I use it somewhere else.
I am a massive fan of the phrase “Do as I say and not as I do” I strongly believe that if you want to get better at something that you need to practice until you get good at it. Unfortunately I tend to do the complete opposite and have got into the habit of learning things on the fly, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it does mean that I’m prone to only doing things I already know how to do or trying to learn how to do things when I really don’t have the time (or patience) to learn how to do things.
So today I’m making a conscious effort to try out Elementor here on my development site before I actually want to use it elsewhere.
Not sure how I’m feeling about it yet, I’ve had lots of bad experiences with page builders in the past, some of that is down to them and some of it is clearly down to me.
So here goes.
If nothing else this little 10 minute exercise has reminded me of how difficult it is to build websites when you don’t really have anything to say or any plan on how you’re going to say it.
Overall I’d say that this is a useful little tool but I should probably decide on something real to use it for.